
With more than 250 locations worldwide, USO Centers provide an exclusive place for the people of the military to relax in a refreshing environment, grab a snack and drink, watch a movie or favorite sporting event, and play video games. Centers offer reliable Wi-Fi, computers, and phones so service members can connect with loved ones and hear a familiar and comforting voice. USO Centers also host a wide range of activities, special events, and additional programs specifically for spouses and children. Centers vary in size and structure and offer:

  • USO Centers provide three primary offerings (potentially among many others): relaxation/home-like environment, connectivity, and snacks/drinks.

  • A foundation for the organization’s connection to the active duty military community and enable the USO to provide outreach support to areas where no physical USO Center exists.

  • An inviting and comforting space

  • An alcohol-free, non-partisan, non-religious, no-judgment space welcome to all authorized guests.

  • Mobile USO vehicles reach areas with significant active duty and/or National Guard/Reserve concentrations to provide center amenities and programming where there is no physical facility or to supplement when additional support is needed.

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